
This ruler names a now-dry branch of a river discovered 2022 study led by Hader Seisha; that branch emptied into a harbor near Khentkaus Town. Negative depictions of this ruler by classical historians include Herodotus’s (10[1])account of his greed to fund the radishes and onions that he provided for 100,000 men. An usually realistic statue depicts this ruler’s vizier and nephew Hemiunu. The reigns (10[1])of this (10[1])pharaoh and his predecessor are depicted in the Westcar Papyrus. The diary of the inspector Merer describes how a project during this ruler’s reign shipped material from Tura. This son of Sneferu built the largest (10[1])complex at a site with similar complexes (10[1])built by (-5[1])Menkaure (10[1])and Khafre and was the tallest manmade structure for over 3 millenia. (-5[1])For 10 points, name this pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid at Giza. ■END■ (10[1]0[1])

ANSWER: Khufu [or Cheops; or Khnum-Khufu; or Suphis; accept Khufu branch of the Nile]
<Other History>
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