2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 1: North Carolina A vs. Virginia A

Virginia A


Kenny Zhang0000
Joseph Chambers08270
Gio Mazzeo001-5
Minh Nguyen0000
8 bonuses for 140 points (17.5 PPB)

North Carolina A


Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford01010
Jim Fan07070
Eric Gunter04135
12 bonuses for 200 points (16.67 PPB)

Kenny ZhangJoseph ChambersGio MazzeoMinh NguyenBonusesTotalTUBenjamin McAvoy-BickfordJim FanEric GunterBonusesTotal
0110 1071010030
0210 7410101070
10 52001020370
20410 107010090
10 78010040590
10 6710101080690
10 9910010110790
110810 450100110
-5 90105910 1310010130
-5 611001010 12010100160
1001110 13801010190
10 129010012012-5 80185
10 901010015013185
1501410 12401010215
10 10410101019015215
1901610 7610100245
1901710 10310010275
10 105100021018275
2101910 420010295
-5 572052010 830100315
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text