2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 1: Maryland A vs. Maryland C

Maryland A


Caleb Kendrick0141135
Connor Mayers01010
Isaac Mammel01010
Andy Yu01010
17 bonuses for 300 points (17.65 PPB)

Maryland C


Patrick Torre03030
Daniel Kim0000
Kevin Liu0000
3 bonuses for 30 points (10 PPB)

Caleb KendrickConnor MayersIsaac MammelAndy YuBonusesTotalTUPatrick TorreDaniel KimKevin LiuBonusesTotal
10 1071010104010
10 58100107020
10 6400109030
90410 721010030
10 11001010120530
10 910100140630
10 1010010160730
10 450100180830
-5 102175910 131001050
10 801010102151050
10 12001002351150
10 931010102751250
10 78101003051350
10 146010103351450
10 12201003551550
3551610 7900060
10 107100103851760
10 122101004151860
10 8610004351960
10 108101004652060
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text