2023 ARCADIA at Imperial

Round 7: Cambridge A vs. Cambridge B

Cambridge A


Linus Luu03125
Brendan Bethlehem12320
Agnijo Banerjee02115
Sam Foo13045
12 bonuses for 220 points (18.33 PPB)

Cambridge B


Rachel Bentham01010
Rose Conway02020
Ben LaFond04040
Iris Creighton0000
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Linus LuuBrendan BethlehemAgnijo BanerjeeSam FooBonusesTotalTURachel BenthamRose ConwayBen LaFondIris CreightonBonusesTotal
-5 103-5110 151001020
10 68010015220
10 136010035320
35410 1030101050
15 801010070550
10 141101010110650
10 10401010140750
10 890010160850
160910 940101080
-5 105155100 13080
10 104101001851180
10 97010102151280
-5 892101310 1270100100
15 701010024514100
-5 1002401510 1470010120
10 58100026016120
-5 1032551710 1400100140
2551810 6910010170
10 15010101029519170
10 870101032520170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text