2023 Penn Bowl at Penn

Round 10: Pitt A vs. Maryland B

Maryland B


Munir Siddiqui05145
Patrick Torre03125
Emily Bussa0115
Alex Emmert10015
10 bonuses for 100 points (10 PPB)

Pitt A


Danny Peelen08080
Sam Wang0120
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Munir SiddiquiPatrick TorreEmily BussaAlex EmmertBonusesTotalTUDanny PeelenSam WangBonusesTotal
10 104100103010
10 142000402-5 108-5
10 801000603-5
60410 91100015
60510 12700025
60610 13300035
10 1311001090735
10 12201001108-5 8130
110910 930101060
1101010 88001080
10 137101001401180
-5 118135120 13480
1351310 1140010100
10 11800014514100
10 128001016515100
1651610 12301010130
15 6100018017130
10 53100020018130
-5 931951910 1470100150
-5 1141902010 1210100170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text