2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 9: Chicago B vs. Purdue B

Chicago B


William Houston02020
Nermeen Rahman05050
Ezra Santos05050
12 bonuses for 150 points (12.5 PPB)

Purdue B


David Nickel12035
Davis Johnson02210
Gowthamm Mandala01010
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

William HoustonNermeen RahmanEzra SantosBonusesTotalTUDavid NickelDavis JohnsonGowthamm MandalaBonusesTotal
0110 97100020
0210 136010040
10 911010030340
10 130010050440
0 142505-5 1935
10 1150101080635
10 1420100100735
10 1180100120835
120910 133010055
1201010 142100075
10 10310001401175
1401210 78010095
10 1450010160130 14595
10 12000101801495
10 137101002101595
10 70010102401695
10 1080002501795
0 12225018-5 5390
10 11110002701990
2702015 7810010125
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text