
This battle resulted in one side returning to their Fleet in Being strategy for the rest of a war. (15[1])One side in this battle had their plans of a pincer attack prevented by the (15[1])cryptanalysis department Room 40. One side in this battle suffered from their prioritization of a high rate of gunnery with low-quality armor-piercing shells. A commander in this battle who remarked “there seems to be something wrong with (15[1])our bloody ships today” chased an enemy during the “Run to the South.” Reinhard (*) Scheer’s fleet sunk the HMS Invincible in this battle, but retreated when the Grand Fleet, commanded by John Jellicoe, managed to “cross the T” twice. (10[1])This 1916 battle resulted in a continued blockade of Germany. For 10 points, name this largest naval battle of World War I, named for its location near (10[1])the coast of Denmark. ■END■

ANSWER: Battle of Jutland [accept Jutland or the Jutland; accept the Battle of Skagerrak or Skagerrakschlact]
<GT, European History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aden SunChicago AIllinois A1815
Zach JosephNotre Dame AIndiana3315
Alan WuVanderbiltPurdue A7015
Akshar GoyalIllinois BNotre Dame B10910
David NickelPurdue BChicago B13610


2023 ARCADIA at ImperialImperialY580%60%20%53.50
2023 ARCADIA at Carleton UniversityPremiereY3100%100%0%43.67
2023 ARCADIA at Claremont CollegesPremiereY1100%0%100%141.00
2023 ARCADIA at UC BerkeleyPremiereY250%50%50%37.00
2023 ARCADIA at IndianaPremiereY5100%60%0%73.20
2023 ARCADIA at RITPremiereY2100%0%0%106.50
2023 ARCADIA at WUSTLPremiereY3100%33%33%102.67