
This real-life author befriends society hostess Lesley Hamlyn, a confidant of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and murderess Ethel Proudlock, during a visit to Penang in Tan Twan Eng’s 2023 novel The House of Doors. A line from Christopher Isherwood's translation of the Katha Upanishad titles a novel by this author about a WWI pilot’s search for enlightenment in India. The missionary Davidson fails to moralize a prostitute in Pago Pago named (*) Sadie Thompson (10[1])in one of many stories this author set on the South Sea, “Rain.” This author created a stockbroker who abandons his family to become an artist in Tahiti in a novel retelling the life of Paul (10[1])Gauguin. (10[1])For 10 points, name this British novelist of The Moon and Sixpence, who wrote about the club-footed orphan Philip Carey in (10[1])Of Human Bondage. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: W. Somerset Maugham [or William Somerset Maugham] (Proudlock is the subject of Maugham’s story “The Letter.” The novel is The Razor’s Edge.)
<RK, British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Michael HundingIllinois AChicago A7210
Eylon CaplanPurdue AVanderbilt10810
Tanuj ChandekarIndianaNotre Dame A10910
Nermeen RahmanChicago BPurdue B13010
Shardul ParthasarathyIllinois BNotre Dame B13310


2023 ARCADIA at ImperialImperialY5100%0%0%107.60
2023 ARCADIA at Carleton UniversityPremiereY3100%33%33%108.33
2023 ARCADIA at Claremont CollegesPremiereY1100%0%0%113.00
2023 ARCADIA at UC BerkeleyPremiereY2100%50%0%83.50
2023 ARCADIA at IndianaPremiereY5100%0%0%110.40
2023 ARCADIA at RITPremiereY2100%50%50%97.00
2023 ARCADIA at WUSTLPremiereY367%33%33%80.50