2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 1: Bard A vs. Princeton A

Bard A


Abby Hope0000
Basha Shapiro0000
Cyrus Hodgson01010
William Helman03125
4 bonuses for 20 points (5 PPB)

Princeton A


Jake Grodner03030
Austin Guo08080
Carter McLean02210
13 bonuses for 200 points (15.38 PPB)

Abby HopeBasha ShapiroCyrus HodgsonWilliam HelmanBonusesTotalTUJake GrodnerAustin GuoCarter McLeanBonusesTotal
10 94100103010
30210 91001020
30310 120001040
10 9000040440
40510 1150101070
40610 126100090
40710 12610100120
40810 7901010150
40910 126101010190
401010 1060100210
401110 12010010240
0 1274012-5 42235
0 1254013-5 118230
401410 1120010250
401510 11210100280
401610 681000300
-5 833517300
10 960004518300
10 1350005519300
552010 990100320
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text