
Followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu consider him to be an avatar of this figure. For 10 points each:
[10m] Give the most common name of this deity whose devotees popularized the Maha Mantra. George Harrison joined a group that practices bhakti yoga and believes that this deity is the supreme God.
ANSWER: Krishna [accept the International Society for Krishna Consciousness or Hare Krishnas; prompt on Vishnu by asking “in what incarnation?”]
[10h] Together with the Gita, this text is the most important scripture for ISKCON (“ISK-con”) members. The sage Shukadeva recited this text, whose tenth canto describes Krishna’s youth and the Raslila dance, to the dying king Parikshit.
ANSWER: Bhagavata Purana [prompt on Bhagavata or Purana alone; reject “Devi–Bhagavata Purana”; reject “Bhagavad Gita”]
[10e] Krishna spent his youth among the 108 gopis who tended these animals. Ghee, a product of these animals, is poured into a fire in yajnas and used to light lamps in pujas.
ANSWER: cows [or cattle; accept water buffalo or swamp buffalo or river buffalo; prompt on buffalo]

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Princeton ABard A100010
Columbia ARutgers B1001020
Cornell CPrinceton B1001020
NYU AColumbia C1001020
Penn AHaverford001010
Rutgers ANYU B1001020
Yale APenn B001010
Yale BRowan A100010
VassarYale C1001020