In the wake of this event, a man began a media empire publishing La Caricature and Le Charivari (“luh shah-ree-vah-REE”). During this event, the Duke of Ragusa was arrested and exiled for failing to retake a town hall. During this event, a man failed to bypass his own son and give power to the “miracle child.” During this event, journalists congregated at the offices of the newly founded newspaper Le National to publish a letter protesting the repressive Four Ordinances of Saint-Cloud (“san-CLOO”). Barricades were raised during the “Three Glorious Days” of this event, which concluded when Lafayette appeared on the balcony of the Hotel de Ville next to a man later known as the “Citizen King.” For 10 points, name this uprising that led to the abdication of Charles X and the ascension of Louis-Philippe. ■END■
ANSWER: July Revolution [or July Days; accept Three Glorious Days until “Three” is read; accept French Revolution of 1830; reject “French Revolution”] (Charles Philipon founded La Caricature and Le Charivari.)
<CWRU A, European History>
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