
In the wake of this event, a man began a media empire publishing La Caricature and Le Charivari (“luh shah-ree-vah-REE”). During this event, the Duke of Ragusa was arrested and exiled for failing to retake a town hall. (-5[1])During this event, a man failed to bypass his own son and give power (10[1])to the “miracle child.” (10[1])During this event, journalists congregated at the offices of the newly founded newspaper (-5[1])Le National to publish a letter (-5[1])protesting the repressive Four Ordinances (10[2])of Saint-Cloud (10[4])(“san-CLOO”). Barricades (10[1]-5[1])were (10[1])raised (-5[1])during (10[1])the (-5[1])“Three Glorious (10[1])Days” (10[1]-5[2])of this event, (10[4]-5[7])which concluded when (-5[1])Lafayette (-5[1])appeared on the balcony (-5[1])of the Hotel de Ville (10[1]-5[2])next (10[1])to a man (-5[1])later known (10[1])as the “Citizen King.” (10[3])For 10 points, (-5[1])name this uprising (-5[2])that led to the (10[1])abdication (10[1])of (10[1])Charles (10[1])X (10[1])and the ascension (10[1])of Louis-Philippe. (10[2])■END■ (10[14]0[12])

ANSWER: July Revolution [or July Days; accept Three Glorious Days until “Three” is read; accept French Revolution of 1830; reject “French Revolution”] (Charles Philipon founded La Caricature and Le Charivari.)
<CWRU A, European History>
= Average correct buzz position


Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%33%122.83
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%100%128.50
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%100%133.00
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y875%0%50%110.67
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y367%0%33%118.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Josh HowarthWarwick BImperial B35-5
Omer KeskinOxford ACambridge B4910
Justin LeeImperial ACambridge E5310
Claire JonesChicago AWashU B66-5
Alvin GuoChicago DMissouri72-5
Gabe DubowskiIllinois BIndiana A7710
Nathan ZhangCornell BHaverford A7710
Biniam AlaroFlorida AUCF C7910
Noah ChinVirginia Tech ALiberty A7910
Christian AllenMissoui S&TIllinois A7910
Ian LuGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech D7910
Nathaniel HullUC Berkeley AUCSD8010
Matthew SumanenGeorgia Tech BLouisville A80-5
Lucas JohnsWarwick ADurham8110
Aaron MarchandCarletonIowa State82-5
Michael ZhouGeorgia Tech AVanderbilt A8310
John Luke BroussardTAMUASU84-5
Andy HuffLSECambridge D8610
Bryce CruiseTexas ATexas B87-5
James ByrneBristolOxford C87-5
Ben SterlingYale ARutgers A8710
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BUCF B9010
Diego AlmarazUNC CDuke90-5
Declan CobbWisconsin AWisconsin B90-5
Truman FillbrandtUW AUW B90-5
Kai MadgwickManchesterCambridge C9010
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU CCambridge A9010
Joel DickerSouthampton BOxford B90-5
Zayyan MahmoodSouthampton ASheffield9010
William BrokerHaverford BJohn Jay College90-5
Olin BoseColumbia BMaryland A90-5
Anirudh BharadwajPenn APenn B90-5
Julia AppelTufts ABrandeis A93-5
Liam MarklandAlbertaUBC94-5
Jiping FangIllinois CIndiana B98-5
Clete ReinbergerValencia AFlorida State A103-5
Kritanu SahaCornell DRIT A103-5
Giuseppe PiccirilliBinghamton ACornell C10310
Megan WangBrown AUMass Boston10410
Adam PascoeWake ForestUNC D107-5
Taaj RaiGeorge Washington BMaryland B10910
Kevin ParkClaremont AUC Berkeley B11310
Yrwin BatanMIT AHarvard B11310
Michael KearneyHarvard ADartmouth A11310
Jack LewisBruin ATennessee A116-5
Jaehyun ParkBUBrandeis B119-5
Hrishit ChaudhuriNYU BJohns Hopkins A119-5
Kaiser XiaoUCLAClaremont B12310
Yaj JhajhriaUW BUW A12410
Sam KonkelChicago CChicago B12510
Sam MacchiVassar AGeorge Washington A12610
Jeffrey AustinUNC DWake Forest12710
Grant AvisLouisville AGeorgia Tech B13010
Joseph ChambersVirginia ALiberty C13210
Patrick TorreMaryland AColumbia B13210
Samuel StellaFlorida State AValencia A1330
Chris YooWilliam & MaryLiberty B13310
Cole HumbleLiberty BWilliam & Mary1330
Jacob EgolDukeUNC C13310
Graham TroyUNC BSouth Carolina13310
Neal JoshiWashU BChicago A13310
Drew ScheinerMissouriChicago D13310
JD KrothIowa StateCarleton13310
Puna EkkaMinnesota BWinona State1330
Henry BonWinona StateMinnesota B1330
Ian SaylorWisconsin BWisconsin A13310
Andrew MessersmithBrandeis BBU1330
Christopher DechBrandeis ATufts A13310
John ChenUBCAlberta13310
Keerthana KrishnanTexas BTexas A13310
Jaik HavlickASUTAMU13310
Alex WyrickTennessee ABruin A1330
Elliot CosnettOxford BSouthampton B13310
Benjamin WatsonOxford CBristol1330
Joseph CollinsImperial BWarwick B1330
David BassJohns Hopkins ANYU B1330
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeHaverford B13310
Vedh RameshPenn BPenn A1330
Greg ReiserRIT BESF A1330
Gregory StoneESF ARIT B1330
Chris ScheriRIT ACornell D13310