This physicist and an alphabetically-later collaborator developed a set of electrodynamic equations that set an upper limit on the self-energy of a point charge to avoid divergences in Maxwell electrodynamics. This physicist developed a coordinate chart to describe the worldlines of Langevin observers on a rotating disk, which must have constant orthogonal spacetime distance to satisfy this physicist’s relativistic formulation of rigidity. While at Göttingen, this physicist and Heisenberg developed the matrix representation of quantum physics. This physicist proposed that the squared magnitude of a wave function equals the probability of finding a particle. For 10 points, name this German physicist who names an approximation that fixes nuclei in space along with J. Robert Oppenheimer. ■END■
ANSWER: Max Born [accept Born rule or Born rigidity or Born coordinates or Born–Infeld model or Born–Oppenheimer approximation]
<Toronto A, Physics>
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