
A book titled for this thinker borrows a Freudian term for multiple lines of causation in its chapter “Contradiction and Overdetermination.” Three “myths” associated with this thinker are critiqued in a book whose title riffs on one of this thinker’s sayings, written by Raymond Aron. An author who posited an “epistemological break” in this thinker’s ideas co-wrote a book on one of this thinker’s works with, among others, Jacques Rancière (“rons-YAIR”) and Étienne Balibar. A book partly titled for this thinker by Jacques Derrida coined the term “hauntology.” (10[1])A “structural” school named for this thinker was (10[1])led by Louis Althusser (“all-too-SAIR”), who borrowed this thinker’s ideas of the base and superstructure and the relations of production. For 10 points, name this author of The Eighteenth Brumaire (10[1])of Louis Napoleon and Das Kapital. ■END■

ANSWER: Karl Marx [or Karl Heinrich Marx] (The book in the first sentence is Althusser’s For Marx. Raymond Aron’s book is The Opium of the Intellectuals, and Jacques Derrida’s book is Specters of Marx.)
<TM, Philosophy>
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