
A book titled for this thinker borrows a Freudian term for multiple lines of causation in its chapter “Contradiction and Overdetermination.” Three “myths” associated with this thinker are critiqued in a book whose title riffs on one of this thinker’s sayings, written by Raymond Aron. An author who posited (10[1])an “epistemological break” in this thinker’s ideas (10[1])co-wrote a book on one of this thinker’s works (10[1])with, among others, (-5[1])Jacques Rancière (“rons-YAIR”) and Étienne Balibar. (10[1])A book partly titled for this thinker by Jacques Derrida coined the term “hauntology.” (10[1]-5[1])A (10[1])“structural” (10[1])school (10[1])named for this thinker was (10[1])led by Louis Althusser (10[1])(“all-too-SAIR”), who borrowed (10[1])this thinker’s ideas of the base and superstructure and the relations (10[1])of (10[1]-5[1])production. For 10 points, (10[1])name this author of The Eighteenth Brumaire (10[1])of Louis Napoleon and Das Kapital. ■END■ (10[5])

ANSWER: Karl Marx [or Karl Heinrich Marx] (The book in the first sentence is Althusser’s For Marx. Raymond Aron’s book is The Opium of the Intellectuals, and Jacques Derrida’s book is Specters of Marx.)
<TM, Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%17%107.17
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y1100%0%0%87.00
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%97.00
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%101.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arya KarthikOxford ACambridge A4810
Michał GerasimiukStanford BIowa5510
John ChenUBCAlberta6410
Jisoo YooTexas ATexas B67-5
Jaik HavlickASUTAMU7210
Todd MaslykMichigan AKenyon86-5
Arjun NageswaranHarvard ABrown A8610
Orion KellerVirginia Tech AVirginia A8710
Elie AounCase Western AMichigan State8810
Stan MelkumianPurdueNorthwestern A8910
Yrwin BatanMIT ABrandeis B9410
Kevin ZhengMichigan BCase Western B9810
Stevie MillerCarnegie Mellon AMichigan C10010
Simon ZimmermanOhio State AMichigan D11110
Drew ScheinerMissouriChicago B112-5
Cole HartungGeorgetown ANotre Dame A11210
Aditya PatnaikOhio State BCarnegie Mellon B11610
Isaac MeredithTufts ABrandeis A12310
Elias KradelKenyonMichigan A13010
Liam StarnesChicago BMissouri13010
Meggy ManiGeorgetown BNotre Dame C13010
Alan FanUW BUW A13010
Owen GilroyTexas BTexas A13010