
Alfred Schnittke’s third string quartet opens with three explicitly-labeled quotations of Orlando di Lasso, Beethoven, and this motif. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this motif that ends every movement of another composer’s sixth string quartet, and begins a quartet by that composer dedicated “to the victims of fascism and war.”
ANSWER: DSCH [or D, E-flat, C, B natural; prompt on Dmitri Shostakovich’s initials or signature]
[10h] In his third string quartet, Nikolai Myaskovsky encoded a jab at Antony Lyadov, a member of this circle of composers named for a publisher and philanthropist. A quartet written collectively by this group is titled for the cryptogram B-flat, A, F.
ANSWER: Belyayev circle
[10e] The Belyayev circle influenced traditionalists like Myaskovsky, who is known as the father of this country’s symphony. This country’s regime censured modernists like Schnittke and Shostakovich.
ANSWER: USSR [or Soviet Union; or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; or CCCP; or SSSR; or Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik; prompt on Russia, Rossiya, Russian Federation, or Rossiyskaya Federatsiya]
<JC, Classical Music>

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Illinois CChicago B001010
Illinois AChicago D10101030
Indiana AWashU A1001020
Chicago AIndiana B001010
WashU BMissoui S&T1001020