
Description acceptable. Hoogsteen (“HOHG-stain”) base pairing allows B-form DNA to take on this characteristic by forming an alternative adenine–thymine bond. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name or describe this characteristic sometimes observed in satellite DNA that may cause genetic instability by interfering with transcription. A disproven theory posited by Linus Pauling claimed that DNA has this structural characteristic.
ANSWER: triple helix [accept triple-stranded DNA or RNA; accept H-DNA or Triplex-DNA]
[10e] Karst Hoogsteen reported his namesake base pairing by observing an alternative one of these interactions between adenine and thymine. These intermolecular interactions are named for the lightest element.
ANSWER: hydrogen bonds [or H-bonds]
[10h] Hoogsteen base pairs also allow for the formation of G-quadruplex secondary structures, which are useful in the design of these artificial oligomers that target a specific ligand. These molecules are produced in a technique called SELEX.
ANSWER: aptamers
<MS, Biology>

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