
Margaret Lock and Nancy Scheper-Hughes created a doctoral program in a field of this discipline at UC Berkeley and developed it in papers including “The Mindful Body.” For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this field whose “medical” subfield studies how people understand and experience various elements of health and illness. This field’s practitioners included Clifford Geertz (“gurts”).
ANSWER: anthropology [or critical medical anthropology]
[10h] This 2003 biographical work by Tracy Kidder centers on a medical anthropologist who wrote AIDS and Accusation and distributed antibiotics to countries like Haiti and Peru.
ANSWER: Mountains Beyond Mountains [or Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the World]
[10m] Medical anthropologists use this term to describe folk illnesses only found within specific settings, such as koro in Southeast Asian communities or dhat (“dawt”) syndrome in India.
ANSWER: culture-bound syndrome [or culture-bound disorder; or culture-specific syndrome]
<NS, Social Science>

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