Proline derivatives and other amines can be alpha-functionalized via this process in the Shono oxidation. This process causes the decarboxylation of acids to radicals that dimerize in a technique named for Hermann Kolbe. The debunked Fleischmann–Pons cold fusion experiment involved performing this process on the surface of palladium. The outputs of this process can be analyzed via coulometry. The mass deposited is proportional to charge in the first of Michael Faraday’s two laws for this process. In the Hall–Héroult (“ay-ROO”) process, alumina is dissolved in cryolite before this process is initiated. This process performed on water forms hydrogen gas usable as fuel at the cathode. For 10 points, name this process in which non-spontaneous chemical reactions are driven via an electrical current. ■END■
ANSWER: electrolysis [accept Kolbe electrolysis; accept Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; prompt on electrochemical reactions or electrosynthesis]
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