
Italian guest workers were primarily affected in an incident involving production of this resource at Marcinelle. Prime Minister Jo Cals halted production of this resource, forcing Johan Kremers to restructure economic policy due to increased unemployment in Limburg. Besides timber, the thirty-fourth failure to deliver this resource to France caused Raymond Poincaré to order an occupation. This natural resource found in the Sillon industriel (10[1])prompted French foreign minister Robert Schumann to create an economic organization (10[1])to make war “materially impossible.” This resource was found in the Saar basin and was extracted (10[1])from the “black (-5[1])country” of Belgium. (10[1])For 10 points, steel and what resource name a European “community” considered the forerunner of the EU? ■END■

ANSWER: coal [accept the European Coal and Steel Community; accept South Limburg Coal Mining Basin; accept Saar-Warndt Coal Basin; accept anthracite coal; reject “steel”]
<European History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jacob FriedmanUF FFlorida Tech A6310
Raj DoshiUCF AUF D7410
Matthew AndersenUF CUCF B9010
Christophe SavoieUF EFlorida Tech B93-5
Qingyu ZhangUF AFlorida State University A9610