
A character from this play leaves a place like an “ancient conqueror… might have led in chains through a capital city the prince of a state newly conquered” in the story “Three Players of a Summer Game.” In the notes for the design of this play’s set, its author used Robert Louis Stevenson’s veranda as an example of the “softness” necessary for a Victorian house previously owned by the bachelors Jack Straw and Peter Ochello. A character in this play who breaks his ankle jumping hurdles drinks until he hears a click in his head. (10[2])That character mourns the loss of Skipper after rejecting him romantically and rails against “mendacity” to his father, Big Daddy. For 10 points, name this play about the Pollitt family and Maggie, who feels like the title animal, (10[1])by Tennessee Williams. ■END■ (0[3])

ANSWER: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
<American Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Leo LawUF AFlorida State University A9410
Ryan GomesFlorida Tech BUF E9410
Shiva TegullaUCF AUF D13210
Jeevan IyaduraiUF CUCF B1360
Audrey SwingleUF FFlorida Tech A1360
Carter TomaskyFlorida Tech AUF F1360