
In this story, Follenvie’s refusal to answer questions prevents him from coughing and results in him “eliciting organ tones from his chest.” A character in this story spots a failed seduction attempt while peeking through a keyhole into “the mysteries of the corridor.” While on a walk after lunch, the Count asks this story’s title character to consent to a favor that (-5[1])“you have so often given.” This story ends with the title character sobbing in the darkness of a train compartment. Cornudet (“cor-noo-DAY”) whistles “La Marseillaise” (10[1])near the end of this story, whose title character is pressured into sleeping with a Prussian officer (10[1])to grant her company passage. For 10 points, name this Guy de Maupassant (“GHEE duh moh-paw-SAN”) story about the sex worker Elisabeth Rousset (“roo-SAY”), titled for her rotund nickname. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Ball of Fat” [or “Boule de Suif”; or “Ball of Lard”; or “Dumpling”; or “Butterball”]
<European Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Russell Nip (UG)UBC AUW A61-5
Kevin YeSFUUBC B8510
Yaj Jhajhria (DII)UW BAlberta10210
Truman Fillbrandt (UG)UW AUBC A12810