
In this story, Follenvie’s refusal to answer questions prevents him from coughing and results in him “eliciting organ tones from his chest.” A character in this story spots a failed seduction attempt while peeking through a keyhole into “the mysteries (10[1])of the corridor.” While on a walk after (10[1])lunch, the Count (10[1])asks this story’s title character to consent to a (10[1])favor that (-5[1])“you have so (10[2])often given.” This story ends with the title character sobbing in the darkness of a train (10[1])compartment. (10[2])Cornudet (10[1])(“cor-noo-DAY”) whistles (10[3])“La Marseillaise” (10[1])near (10[1])the end (10[2])of this story, (10[4]-5[1])whose title (10[1])character is pressured into sleeping with a Prussian officer (10[2]-5[1])to grant (10[2])her company passage. (10[1])For 10 points, name this Guy de Maupassant (-5[1])(“GHEE duh moh-paw-SAN”) story about the sex worker Elisabeth Rousset (“roo-SAY”), titled for her rotund nickname. (0[1])■END■ (10[4]0[7])

ANSWER: Ball of Fat” [or “Boule de Suif”; or “Ball of Lard”; or “Dumpling”; or “Butterball”]
<European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Omer KeskinOxford ADurham B3910
Albert NyangLSE ACambridge A4710
Graham CopeUF BFlorida Tech B5010
Arnav Lahoti (D2)Texas BVassar B5910
Russell Nip (UG)UBC AUW A61-5
Eshan Pant (D2)NYU AOregon State6410
Justin KeungImperial ALSE B6410
Ryan SunBerkeley BStanford A8010
Michal GerasimiukStanford MStanford L8110
Nolan JonesPurdue AUIUC C8110
Ted WarnerBristol ACambridge D8210
Henry LytleWashU DSIUE A8310
Justin HawkinsIndiana AUChicago C8310
Michael HundingUIUC AUChicago B8310
Kevin YeSFUUBC B8510
Michael WuSouthhampton BManchester8610
Max HodesUChicago ANotre Dame8810
Chris LevesleyWarwick AVanderbilt8810
Neal JoshiWashU BPurdue B9110
Braden Booth (D2)MissouriMcGill E9110
Jisoo YooTexas AArkansas9110
Roan DowlingIowaTexas C9110
Kyan van BeekUF EUF D91-5
Shardul ParthasarathyUIUC BPurdue D9310
Collin Leck (D2)Central OklahomaTexas D10210
Yaj Jhajhria (DII)UW BAlberta10210
Khanh NguyenUF AUCF A102-5
Samuel StellaFlorida State University AFlorida Tech A10410
Faiz AhmedBirminghamBristol B10410
Cyrus ZhouWUSTL AVassar A10710
Emmett ChoUChicago DNorthwestern A115-5
Nicholas NguyenUF DUF E1270
Will HollisterLehigh APenn State B1280
Anila MoparthyUIUC DPurdue C12810
Matt SchiavoneNorthwestern AUChicago D12810
Karolis Margis (UG)Colorado CollegeNYU B1280
Arthur Zhang (D2)NYU BColorado College1280
Truman Fillbrandt (UG)UW AUBC A12810
Shiva TegullaUCF AUF A12810
Benjamin WatsonOxford BCambridge C1280
Zayyan MahmoodSouthampton AImperial B1280
Arvin BoraghiCambridge COxford B1280
Charlie LowmanImperial BSouthampton A1280