
To calculate a current named for this phenomenon, John Bardeen used a time-dependent perturbation in his transfer Hamiltonian method. Fowler and Nordheim modeled field emission using this phenomenon, which (-5[1])causes Esaki diodes to exhibit a negative differential resistance. In a Nobel-Prize-winning device developed by Binning and Rohrer, (-5[1])electrons undergo this phenomenon to induce a current in a conducting microscope tip. In an (10[1])alpha (10[1])decay theory posited by George (10[1])Gamow, helium nuclei undergo this phenomenon to escape Coulombic interactions, meaning there is a nonzero wavefunction outside of a finite square well. (10[1])For 10 points, name this (10[1])quantum phenomenon where a particle passes through a classically (10[1])forbidden barrier. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: quantum tunneling [accept tunneling current or scanning tunneling spectroscopy or scanning tunneling microscope]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Calvin Bostleman (UG)Ohio State A (UG)Michigan B28-5
Yahwanth Bajji (DII)Michigan AMichigan C (UG)46-5
Aswath Karai (DII)Michigan State ACWRU A (UG)6110
Lucas Pasdo (DII)Pitt ACWRU B (UG)6210
Arjun Saulnier (DII)CWRU C (UG)Pitt B (UG)6710
Reid Pfaltzgraff-Carlson (UG)Kenyon A (UG)Michigan D (DII)8910
Jason Thieu (DII)Michigan State B (UG)CWRU D (DII)9410
Matthew KElley (DII)Michigan C (UG)Michigan A10310
Mitchell IndekMichigan BOhio State A (UG)10610