
The best-known algorithm for this task gains its efficiency from only considering seven sub-problems, rather than the eight sub-problems necessary in a naïve approach. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this task that can be solved in sub-cubic runtime using Strassen’s algorithm. GPUs are particularly efficient at performing this mathematical task due to their parallel nature.
ANSWER: matrix multiplication [or equivalents such as multiplying two matrices; prompt on multiplication; reject answers that refer to “multiplication of numbers” or “multiplication of integers”]
[10h] Strassen also developed a probabilistic algorithm for this other problem. The poly-time AKS algorithm was introduced in a paper simply titled “[this problem] is in P.”
ANSWER: primality testing [or word forms; or descriptions of checking if a number is prime or not or descriptions of checking if a number is composite or not; accept PRIMES or “PRIMES is in P” or Solovay–Strassen primality test or AKS primality test; reject “prime factorization”]
[10e] A computational problem is in the complexity class P if it can be solved in polynomial time on a deterministic version of this British computer scientist’s namesake “machines.”
ANSWER: Alan Turing [accept Turing machines]
<Other Science>

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2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern2024-11-16Y915.56100%56%0%
2024 ACF Winter at Ohio State2024-11-16Y912.22100%22%0%
2024 ACF Winter at Online2024-11-16Y711.43100%14%0%
2024 ACF Winter at Central Florida2024-11-16Y412.5075%50%0%
2024 ACF Winter at Oxford2024-11-16Y818.75100%50%38%


Indiana APurdue A1001020
UIUC DMiami001010
Northwestern ANotre Dame1001020
Purdue BSIUE A1001020
WashU CPurdue C001010
UChicago DIndiana B001010
UIUC AUChicago C1001020
WashU BUIUC B1001020
UIUC CUChicago B001010