In a Korean tale exemplifying filial piety, Sim Cheong is taken to the palace of one of these creatures to save her from being sacrificed by merchants. One god dismembers himself to protect his community from one of these creatures, simultaneously repaying his filial debt. That god is born after a three-year pregnancy from a ball of flesh and is named Nézhā (“nuh-jah”). Urashima Tarō visits a god with this form who controls his domain using two jewels. A rain deity who rules the East Sea, Áo Guāng, is associated with an azure-coloured one of these creatures. After getting it drunk on eight barrels of sake, Susanoo (“su-sa-no-wo”) discovers the sword Kusanagi in the tail of an eight-headed one of these creatures named Orochi. For 10 points, in the Chinese zodiac, 2024 is the year of what serpent-like beings? ■END■
ANSWER: dragons [or lóng or lung or ryū; accept Ryūjin; accept Dragon King or Dragon God or Lóngwáng or lóngshén or Azure Dragon or Qīnglóng; accept Year of the Dragon; prompt on serpents or snakes until “serpent-like” is read]
= Average correct buzz position