A character in this novel becomes “pale as a dried banana skin” after realizing that his destiny “was beginning to unfold itself.” In this novel, a character stands motionlessly for hours to request permission from his father, who realizes that “he had already left him.” The protagonist of this novel dreams about the recurring motif of a songbird in a golden cage. A friend of this novel’s title character parts ways with him at a grove before kissing him on the forehead many years later in their reunion. A snakebite kills the protagonist’s lover Kamala in this novel, in which the maxim “listen to the river” is given by the ferryman Vasudeva. The title character of this novel joins the ascetic Samanas with Govinda. For 10 points, name this Hermann Hesse novel about a brahmin’s son. ■END■
ANSWER: Siddhartha [or Siddhartha: An Indian Tale or Siddhartha: Eine Indische Dichtung]
<European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position