Hannah Arendt responded to a discussion of this book in The Essence of Human Freedom by claiming that a passage from this book is primarily political, in opposition to other epistemological interpretations. Leo Strauss pointed to seemingly contradictory sections of this book to argue that it was an ironic “learning exercise” contra Karl Popper, who criticized this book’s class of “guardians.” Those classes within this book correspond to different virtues of the soul, which this book claims is tripartite. This book opens with Thrasymachus’s claim that justice is “the advantage of the stronger,” and in response, the central character eventually invokes the Form of the Good. For 10 points, name this Platonic dialogue in which Socrates describes an ideal city. ■END■
ANSWER: The Republic [or Politeia] (The passage in the first sentence is the Allegory of the Cave.)
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