
A semi-empirical method that eliminates three- and four-center two-electron integrals is named for the “neglect” of one form of this phenomenon. For the H2+ (“H-2-plus”) ion, a pair of energies are given by “H-AA plus H-AB over quantity one plus” a measure of this phenomenon. Roothaan (“ROTE-hahn”) simplified the Hartree–Fock method into the equation “FC equals SC epsilon,” where S is a matrix named for this phenomenon. For two wavefunctions, this phenomenon is described by the integral over all volume of “psi-A-star times psi-B,” which vanishes for orthogonal orbitals like p-x and p-y. A pair of atomic orbitals for which this phenomenon (-5[1])is higher will have more stabilized bonding molecular orbitals. Sigma bonds form when this phenomenon is end-on. (-5[1])For 10 points, name this phenomenon (-5[1])in which space is shared by two orbitals. (10[1])■END■ (10[1]0[2])

ANSWER: orbital overlap [accept neglect of diatomic differential overlap; accept overlap matrix or overlap integral; reject “hybridization”]
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