
In this country, a story about a mounted sultan and a doll made of sugar is retold at thousands of carnivals on Mawlid. This country’s world-leading Dar al-Ifta is headed by its Grand Mufti, Shawki Allam. This is the most populous Muslim-majority (-5[1])country where (-5[1])ecstatic exorcisms called zar are widely practiced. This country was the birthplace of a Salafist writer whose ideas about jahiliyyah (“jeh-hee-LEE-yeh”) inspired many jihadi movements, named Sayyid (10[1])Qutb (“KOO-tub”). Modernist theologians who frequently argue against Wahhabism dominate this country’s leading Islamic university, al-Azhar (10[1])(“al-uzz-har”). Hassan al-Bannah founded an (0[1])Islamic political group in this country that took (-5[1])power for two years in the wake of the Tahrir Square protests in 2011. For 10 points, the Muslim Brotherhood originated in what most populous Arab country? ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Egypt [or Arab Republic of Egypt; or Maṣr; or Misr; or Jumhuriyat Misr al-Arabiyah]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Anirudh Bharadwaj (DII)PennColumbia B41-5
Sam Macchi (DII)VassarRowan43-5
Jacob Hardin-Bernhardt (DII)NYU AJohn Jay6910
Cooper Roh (DII)Columbia ANYU B8410
Matthew Klosinski (DII)RowanVassar880
Albert Zhang (UG)Columbia CHaverford96-5
William Groger (UG)Columbia BPenn12410
Arjun Bothra (UG)HaverfordColumbia C12410