
In this country, a story about a mounted sultan and a doll made of sugar is retold at thousands of carnivals on Mawlid. This country’s world-leading Dar al-Ifta is headed by its Grand Mufti, Shawki Allam. This is the most populous Muslim-majority country (-5[1])where ecstatic exorcisms called zar are widely practiced. This country was the birthplace of a Salafist writer whose ideas about jahiliyyah (-5[1])(“jeh-hee-LEE-yeh”) inspired many jihadi movements, (10[1])named Sayyid Qutb (“KOO-tub”). Modernist theologians who frequently argue against Wahhabism dominate this country’s leading Islamic university, al-Azhar (“al-uzz-har”). Hassan al-Bannah founded an Islamic political group in this country that took power for two years in the wake of the Tahrir Square protests in 2011. For 10 points, the Muslim Brotherhood originated in what most populous Arab country? ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Egypt [or Arab Republic of Egypt; or Maṣr; or Misr; or Jumhuriyat Misr al-Arabiyah]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Vinu HariharBerkeley CStanford B42-5
Swapnil GargBerkeley ABerkeley B63-5
Tim MorrisonStanford AStanford C6710
Pranav VeluriBerkeley BBerkeley A12410
Andrew ZengStanford BBerkeley C12410