
He’s not a king, but this character is the most common protagonist of shows performed with elaborate two- to five-foot-tall puppets in Sicilian opera dei pupi. This character titles a work in which the Indian warrior queen Marfisa swears not to remove her armor before defeating three kings in battle. A woman frees a castle full of knights from the wizard Atlantes in a work titled for this non-Tolkien character, whose love interest escapes the Orc and has a ring of invisibility. In a poem titled for this character, the Saracen knight (10[1])Ruggiero (10[1])(“roo-JAIR-oh”) is often (10[1])rescued by (10[1])a female (10[1])knight with a magic lance, Bradamante. This knight’s wits are found on the moon after his love for Angelica causes him to go insane. For 10 points, name this paladin of Charlemagne who titles a set of epic poems by Matteo Boiardo and Ludovico Ariosto. ■END■

ANSWER: Orlando [or Roland; accept Orlando Furioso or Orlando Innamorato; reject “Rinaldo”]
<European Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Halle FriedmanNYU AColumbia B9110
Andre WongColumbia CNYU B9210
Sinecio Morales (DII)Johns HopkinsHaverford9410
Moses KitakuleColumbia AJohn Jay9610
Andrew HannaPennVassar9810