
This composer wrote a ballet about the goddess Diana’s solitude that is mostly performed today as a virtuosic piano concerto, Aubade (“oh-BAHD”). This composer bookended a Larghetto reminiscent of the “Romanze” from Mozart’s 20th piano concerto with percussive D minor outer movements in his Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra. The neo-Baroque (10[1])style of this composer’s concerto for organ, strings and percussion was inspired by his midlife embrace of Catholicism, which clashed with his open homosexuality. The title characters of an opera by this composer “only sing tonal music” in scenes like the Salve regina as they are about to be guillotined. (10[1])For 10 points, name this French member of Les Six (“lay SEESE”) who wrote an opera (-5[1])about nuns during the French Revolution, Dialogues (-5[1])of the Carmelites. (10[1])■END■ (10[1]0[2])

ANSWER: Francis Poulenc (“frawn-SEESE poo-LANK”) [or Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc]
<Classical Music>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Forrest Weintraub (UG)Columbia AJohn Jay5010
David BassJohns HopkinsHaverford10010
Halle FriedmanNYU AColumbia B114-5
Jason Qin (DII)Columbia CNYU B121-5
John John Groger (UG)Columbia BNYU A12410
Jeffrey Guan (UG)NYU BColumbia C1250
Tom Doyle (UG)VassarPenn12510
Andrew HannaPennVassar1250