
In this decade, Ulysses Guimarães (“ghee-mah-RICE”) led the National Constituent Assembly to draft a “Citizen Constitution” that was translated in 2023 into Nheengatu (“nyeh-eng-gah-TOO”). In this decade, the Dante de Oliveira Amendment was supported by Tancredo Neves and the Diretas (“zhah”) protests. As depicted in the 2012 film No, a plebiscite (-5[1])held at the end of this decade was successfully defeated by Patricio Aylwin’s Concertación coalition. The Trial of the Juntas was held in this decade after two “Marches of Resistance” led by the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo against the (10[1])regimes of Jorge (0[1])(“HOR-hay”) Videla and Leopoldo (10[1])Galtieri. (10[1])Raúl Alfonsín (10[2])was elected president in this decade as Argentina’s military rule collapsed after the Dirty War and the Falklands War. For 10 points, name this decade in which Operation Condor ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall. ■END■

ANSWER: 1980s [or años ochenta or anos oitenta]
<World History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
William DawsonUBC AClaremont A48-5
Deepak MuthyalaTexas A&M AIowa B8910
Akshay SeetharamClaremont AUBC A920
Anton AkroushMichigan State AAppalachian State9510
Chinmay MurthyTexas ASorbonne9610
Roan DowlingIowa ARice A9810
Dwight SolanoTexas A&M BUW A9810