
In this decade, Ulysses Guimarães (“ghee-mah-RICE”) led the National Constituent Assembly to draft a “Citizen Constitution” that was translated in 2023 into Nheengatu (“nyeh-eng-gah-TOO”). In this decade, the Dante de Oliveira Amendment was supported by Tancredo Neves and the Diretas (“zhah”) protests. As depicted in the 2012 film No, a plebiscite (10[1])held at the end of this decade was successfully defeated (10[1])by Patricio Aylwin’s Concertación coalition. (-5[1])The Trial of the Juntas was held in this decade (10[1])after two “Marches of Resistance” led by the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo against the regimes of Jorge (“HOR-hay”) Videla and Leopoldo (-5[1])Galtieri. Raúl Alfonsín (10[1])was elected president in this decade as Argentina’s military rule collapsed after (10[1])the Dirty War and the Falklands War. For 10 points, name this decade in which Operation Condor ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall. (10[1])■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: 1980s [or años ochenta or anos oitenta]
<World History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Harrison WhitakerCambridge ACambridge B4810
Kai MadgwickDurham AImperial B5810
James CarrigyEdinburghImperial A63-5
Thomas HartWarwickOxford A7310
Ted WarnerBristolKiel95-5
Elliot CosnettOxford BDurham B9810
Aaron StorrSheffieldKCL11010
Ian DewanKielBristol13510
Justin LeeImperial AEdinburgh13610
Rose ConwayCambridge COxford C13610
Elijah ScheinsonOxford CCambridge C1360