
Members of this group are given a “decision year” under a law that the Plessner Committee failed to revise, called the “Tal Law.” Volunteer committees among this group try to uphold tzniyut (“ts’nee-YOOT”) by patrolling communities. (10[2])Masortim, Datim (“dah-TEEM”), and Hilionim (“heel-yo-NEEM”) are usually contrasted with this group, whose leaders adhere to the philosophy of “Torato Umanuto” (“toh-rah-TOH oo-mah-noo-TOH”). This group, whose Hebrew name means “those who tremble,” is chiefly represented by the Shas Party in Israeli politics. Men in this group have a far higher unemployment rate than women, as many study the Torah instead of working, and are often exempt from conscription into the IDF. For 10 points, what group of Jews is named for strictly adhering to halakha ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Haredi Jews [or Haredim; accept ultra-Orthodox Judaism or strictly Orthodox Judaism; accept Hasidim or Hasidic Jews; prompt on Orthodox Judaism; prompt on Mizrahim or Sephardim or Ashkenazim or Israelis or Jews]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jonathan SchnipperBrandeis BBoston University3410
Jonathan SchnipperBrandeis BBoston University3410
William DouganDartmouth ABrown A11610
