
Members of this group are given a “decision year” under a law that the Plessner Committee failed to revise, called the “Tal Law.” Volunteer committees among this group try to uphold tzniyut (“ts’nee-YOOT”) by patrolling communities. Masortim, Datim (“dah-TEEM”), and Hilionim (“heel-yo-NEEM”) are usually contrasted with this group, whose leaders adhere to the philosophy of “Torato Umanuto” (“toh-rah-TOH oo-mah-noo-TOH”). This group, whose Hebrew name means “those who tremble,” is chiefly represented by the Shas Party in Israeli (10[1])politics. (10[1])Men (10[1])in this group have a far higher unemployment rate than women, (10[1])as many (10[1])study the Torah instead of working, and are often exempt from conscription into the IDF. (-5[1])For 10 points, (10[1])what group of Jews is named for strictly adhering to halakha (10[1])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Haredi Jews [or Haredim; accept ultra-Orthodox Judaism or strictly Orthodox Judaism; accept Hasidim or Hasidic Jews; prompt on Orthodox Judaism; prompt on Mizrahim or Sephardim or Ashkenazim or Israelis or Jews]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aisling SkeetDurham BCambridge C7110
Conrad FreidsonWarwickEdinburgh7210
Brendan BethlehemCambridge BDurham A7310
Freddy PottsSheffieldKiel8410
Michael MaysImperial AOxford A8610
Oscar DespardCambridge AImperial B101-5
Nick PruittKCLBristol10410
Elijah ScheinsonOxford COxford B11510
Rahim DinaImperial BCambridge A11610
