
In an article, this thinker related being told by a group of Houston brain surgeons to simply think of a procedure as “a mere stretching of the nerves” to retrieve a nuclear warhead from under Tulsa, Oklahoma. In another article, this thinker describes a hypothetical wine-tasting machine used by the Gallo Brothers that will never experience the real taste of wine. This author of “Where Am I?” put forward a physicalist “multiple drafts” model in a 1991 book. In Elbow Room, this thinker characterized John Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment as an intuition pump. A work by this thinker that describes “Cartesian Theater” claims that philosophical zombies can’t exist and there is no “hard (-5[1])problem” of its title concept. For 10 points, name this thinker who wrote Consciousness Explained. ■END■ (10[1]0[1])

ANSWER: Daniel Dennett [or Daniel Clement Dennett III]
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