
What’s a proper mythological dinner party without a squabble breaking out? For 10 points each:
[10e] At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, this goddess of discord and strife threw a golden apple, causing Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite to quarrel over who was the fairest.
ANSWER: Eris [or Enyo; prompt on Discordia]
[10m] In the Lokasenna, this god hosts a great feast at which Loki gets into a flyting, or insult-contest, with all of the other guests, who bind him up later as punishment.
[10h] At Bricriu’s (“BREE-kroo’s”) feast, Cú Chulainn (“koo KULL-in”) and two other heroes argue over who deserves this choice cut of meat, awarded in Irish custom to the bravest warrior; the three later settle it with a beheading contest.
ANSWER: champion’s portion [or champion’s share; or curadmír]

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Brown ABrandeis A1010020
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Brandeis BDartmouth B100010
Harvard ATufts B10101030
Yale BHarvard B100010