
What’s a proper mythological dinner party without a squabble breaking out? For 10 points each:
[10e] At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, this goddess of discord and strife threw a golden apple, causing Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite to quarrel over who was the fairest.
ANSWER: Eris [or Enyo; prompt on Discordia]
[10m] In the Lokasenna, this god hosts a great feast at which Loki gets into a flyting, or insult-contest, with all of the other guests, who bind him up later as punishment.
[10h] At Bricriu’s (“BREE-kroo’s”) feast, Cú Chulainn (“koo KULL-in”) and two other heroes argue over who deserves this choice cut of meat, awarded in Irish custom to the bravest warrior; the three later settle it with a beheading contest.
ANSWER: champion’s portion [or champion’s share; or curadmír]

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Durham AOxford A100010
Imperial ACambridge B100010
Oxford CKCL1010020
Durham BKiel100010
Oxford BBristol100010
Cambridge CSheffield0000
WarwickImperial B100010