
Fréchet inception distance measures the quality of this type of data given two distributions of this data. The Nightshade tool adds noise to this kind of data to “poison” models that train (10[1])on it. A model designed for this type of data introduced skip connections (10[1])to enable deeper models. A 2018 study by Buolamwini and Gebru found evidence of discriminatory disparities in classifiers (10[1])for this type of data. (10[1])In an architecture (10[1])primarily used for this type of data, pooling steps reduce dimensionality between operations that move a filter by a specified stride. A collection of this type of data developed by Fei-Fei Li was used for the ILSVRC competition. AlexNet and ResNet use convolutional neural networks to classify this type of data. For 10 points, name this type of data generated by models such as DALL-E and Midjourney. (10[2]) (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: images [accept computer vision data or CV data; accept pixels; accept specific types of images such as pictures or art or faces or facial recognition data]
<Other Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sam HuttonCambridge COxford A3110
Elliot CosnettOxford BKCL4410
Rachel BenthamCambridge BImperial B6210
Aisling SkeetDurham BCambridge A6710
Adam JonesImperial ASheffield7010
Michael KohnDurham ABristol13710
Matt SheldonOxford CWarwick13710
Ben Russell JonesEdinburghKiel13810