
This theory classifies lead cations and aniline as intermediate species in its two namesake classes. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this theory developed by Ralph Pearson that is important in transition metal chemistry. This theory sorts species based on polarizability, oxidation state, and atomic radius, among other factors.
ANSWER: HSAB theory [or hard soft acid base theory or hard and soft (Lewis) acid and base theory]
[10e] In HSAB theory, chemical potential is equal to the negative of this quantity on the Mulliken scale. This quantity is the tendency of an element to attract shared electrons in a bond.
ANSWER: electronegativity [prompt on chi]
[10h] In this rule implied by HSAB theory, the more electronegative nucleophile is used when the reaction has an SN1 (“S-N-one”) mechanism. It is named for a chemist who also names an oxidation reaction that converts an alkyl halide and a tosylate (“toss-ill-ate”) into a carbonyl.
ANSWER: Kornblum’s rule [accept Kornblum oxidation]

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