
At the start of this piece, the ad libitum organ joins the low strings for 10 bars of a quarter-note pedal point on a low F. After a largely homorhythmic section in C minor, this piece’s penultimate movement transitions into a massive fugue whose subject begins “long C (pause), B, G, long A (pause), F, D.” Violins are omitted from this piece’s first movement, which introduces the motif of a rising major third followed by a rising half-step. This piece’s seven movements roughly form an arch structure with the first and last movements each starting with the words “Selig sind” (“ZAY-likh zint”), anchored by a central movement that sets Psalm 84. The death of the composer’s mother inspired this piece, which eschews Catholic liturgy in favor of the Luther Bible. For 10 points, name this (10[1])choral work commemorating the dead by (10[1])Johannes (0[2])Brahms. ■END■

ANSWER: A German Requiem [or Ein Deutsches Requiem; prompt on Johannes Brahms’s requiem]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Raymond WangCornell ACornell C13210
Cade ReinbergerRIT BCornell B13810
Sophie EttingerBinghamtonRIT A1390
Danny CutbillRIT ABinghamton1390