
At the start of this piece, the ad libitum organ joins the low strings for 10 bars of a quarter-note pedal point on a low F. After a largely homorhythmic section in C minor, this piece’s penultimate movement transitions into a massive fugue whose subject begins “long C (pause), B, G, long A (pause), F, D.” Violins are omitted from this piece’s (10[1])first movement, which introduces the motif of a rising major third followed by a rising half-step. This piece’s seven movements roughly form an arch structure with the first and last movements each starting with the words “Selig (10[1])sind” (“ZAY-likh zint”), anchored by a central movement that sets Psalm 84. The death of the composer’s mother inspired this piece, which eschews Catholic liturgy in favor of the (10[1])Luther Bible. For 10 points, name this choral work commemorating the dead by Johannes Brahms. ■END■

ANSWER: A German Requiem [or Ein Deutsches Requiem; prompt on Johannes Brahms’s requiem]
<Classical Music>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ethan StrombeckStanford AStanford C6110
Natan HoltzmanStanford BBerkeley A9810
Vinu HariharBerkeley CBerkeley B12510