This hardware component is divided into multiple banks in a speed-up technique known as interleaving. This component typically operates by having a capacitor charged and discharged by a sense amplifier. The delay stemming from this component's strobe signal is known as CAS latency. This component implements level three of a hierarchy that begins with the registers at level one. Single row addresses are sent for multiple locations in this component's fast paging mode. Increased bandwidth came with the fifth version of a form of this component that transfers data twice per clock cycle, or double data rate. This computer component is typically sold in multiples of two gigabytes, with typical desktops containing eight or sixteen gigabytes. For 10 points, name this type of ■END■
ANSWER: DRAM [or Dynamic Random Access Memory; do not accept "Static Random Access Memory" or "SRAM"; prompt on memory]
<Lalit Maharjan , Science - Compsci>
= Average correct buzz position