
Fox Odendaal names a plan designed to create some of these places like Rehoboth and Ovamboland. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these places, some of which were established in South West Africa in the 1960s and 70s. Hendrik Verwoerd spearheaded the creation of these places, which included the Xhosa (KOH-suh)-led Transkei and Ciskei.
ANSWER: bantustans [prompt on homelands]
[10e] During apartheid, some bantustans were established in this modern-day country's Caprivi (cah-PREE-vee) Strip. Two bantustans in what became this country, Namaland and Hereroland, are named for two ethnic groups subjected to a genocide near Windhoek.
ANSWER: Namibia [Republic of Namibia]
[10h] In 1977, Mmabatho became the capital of a bantustan set up near the border of a country led by this president, who was replaced by Quett Masire in 1980. This man's interracial marriage to Ruth Williams caused controversy in apartheid South Africa.
ANSWER: Seretse Khama
<Noah Sheidlower , History - World - Africa>

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