
A review of John Passmore's Philosophical Reasoning and a set of "Comments" on A.J. Ayer's "The Concept of a Person" are two of the three writings ever published by this philosopher. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this philosopher who wrote a three page paper in Analysis that considers the case of Smith and Jones each having ten coins in their pocket to critique a definition given in Plato's Theaetetus.
ANSWER: Edmund Gettier [or Edmund Lee Gettier III; or Gettier problems; or Gettier cases]
[10e] That influential paper by Gettier answers the question of whether "Justified True Belief" is equivalent to this concept in the negative. This concept is the central object of study in epistemology.
ANSWER: knowledge [or word forms such as knowing; or "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?"]
[10h] Alvin Goldman popularized a Gettier-style scenario in which a driver has a justified true belief that he sees one of these buildings, which is surrounded by a number of fakes.
ANSWER: a barn [or barns; or fake barn cases]
<Clark Smith , Philosophy - 20th century>

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