
It's not Italy, but a composer from this country set passages from Plato's Republic for four women's voices in a half-hour piece translated as "The State." For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this home country of a composer of a retelling of the Divine Comedy, his La Commedia. Another composer from this country wrote a piece for two or four pianos titled Canto Ostinato.
ANSWER: Netherlands [or Holland]
[10e] Those composers, Louis Andriessen and Simeon ten Holt, are often grouped into this repetitive movement exemplified by John Adams.
ANSWER: minimalism
[10h] Andriessen's De Materie, which features a solo for two metal boxes played with hammers, was first performed in the U.S. at this venue. The Festival of Contemporary Music is held at this Massachusetts venue's Koussevitzky Music Shed and Seiji Ozawa Hall.
ANSWER: Tanglewood
<Noah Sheidlower , Art - Music/Opera - Modern>

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