
An oratorio by this composer allegorizes a military victory by Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg at Corfu. This composer’s solo vocal music, such as “Cessate, omai cessate,” (ches-SA-te, oh-ma-EE ches-SA-te) was defended in a book (15[1])on his chamber (15[1])cantatas by musicologist Michael Talbot. The sixth movement of this composer’s most popular choral piece is scored for soprano, continuo, and oboe or violin alone, and is (15[1])a setting of the words (*) “Domine deus, rex coelestis” (“chay-LESS-tees”). An alto plays Holofernes (10[1])in his (10[1])only surviving (10[1]-5[1])oratorio, Juditha Triumphans, which is numbered 644 in the RV catalog (10[1])of his works and was written while he worked at the Ospedale della Pietà orphanage (10[1])for girls. For 10 points, name this Italian baroque composer of a Gloria in D Major, as well as The (10[1])Four Seasons. ■END■

ANSWER: Antonio Vivaldi
= Average correct buzz position

Back to tossups


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jason HongUG Championship Players (and Mazin)Watching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People Again3415
Michael Kearneynats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)3715
Daniel MaOlmo (Bonus) Bagelrymeet the new weird, same as the old weird6415
Geoffrey WuColumbia Bnats is supposed to mean you all have gone soft7710
Rahul KeyalWatching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People AgainOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry7910
Kevin Wangmeet the new weird, same as the old weirdnats is supposed to mean you all have gone soft8110
Josh XiongOlmo (Bonus) BagelryUG Championship Players (and Mazin)81-5
Arthur Delot-VilainWatching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People AgainColumbia B9210
Kevin Wangmeet the new weird, same as the old weirdColumbia B10710
Michal GerasimiukUG Championship Players (and Mazin)Olmo (Bonus) Bagelry12710


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