
Around 1135 CE, this city built its first palisade around the Grand Plaza, but it remains unclear why it was abandoned by 1300 CE. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this religious center near what is now St. Louis. This city was the largest center of Mississippian culture before its 13th century decline.
ANSWER: Cahokia
[10h] The linked culture of the Mississippian peoples is known by this three-word term, encompassing a shared cosmology and artistic motifs across large areas of the modern U.S.
ANSWER: Southeastern Ceremonial Complex [or SECC; accept Southern Cult]
[10m] The Caddoan site of Spiro in this modern state contained many SECC artifacts in Craig Mound. Present-day Caddo people are primarily based in this state, as are the Pawnee and Kiowa.
ANSWER: Oklahoma

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Watching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People AgainColumbia B100010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)001010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)0101020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B10101030
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird1001020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird1001020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird10101030
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)001010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B1001020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B1001020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Watching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People Again1001020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Watching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People Again1001020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Olmo (Bonus) Bagelry1001020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Olmo (Bonus) Bagelry1001020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)001010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)0101020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B10101030
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird1001020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird1001020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird10101030
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)001010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B1001020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B1001020
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry0101020
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry001010
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdColumbia B001010
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdColumbia B0101020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Watching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People Again1001020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Watching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People Again1001020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Olmo (Bonus) Bagelry1001020
UG Championship Players (and Mazin)Olmo (Bonus) Bagelry1001020
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry010010
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry0000
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdColumbia B0000
meet the new weird, same as the old weirdColumbia B010010
Olmo (Bonus) BagelryWatching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People Again010010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)0000
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)010010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B1010020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird100010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird100010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softmeet the new weird, same as the old weird1010020
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)0000
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B100010
nats is supposed to mean you all have gone softColumbia B100010